1. What is 33% of $9.90?* $3.00 $3.27 $3.30 None of the above 2. $5.67 + $0.49 + $1.24 +$2.52 =* $8.92 $9.81 $9.92 None of the above 3. A customer's purchase total is $5.12. The customer gives the cashier $6.02. How much change is the customer owed?* $0.80 $0.98 $1.10 None of the above 4. Each week, a new product is promoted and offered at a reduced price. Signs from the previous week's promotion should be replaced every Sunday night with new signs posted prior to the beginning of the first shift on Monday. Signs must be checked each Wednesday to ensure that they remain securely attached and undamaged. When do new product promotions begin?* Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday 5. How many times have you quit a job without notice?* Never Once or twice Several times (3 or 4) Many times (more than 4) 6. How many times have you received formal recognition for outstanding performance (e.g. an award, an above average performance rating, a promotion)?* Never Once or twice Several times (3 or 4) Many times (more than 4) 7. How many times have you received a compliment from a customer for outstanding service?* Never Once or twice Several times (3 or 4) Many times (more than 4) 8. I get flustered when I am asked to do many things at once.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 9. Companies that establish policies to monitor employees' honesty do not deserve my trust.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 10. How many times have you arrived late to work/school within the last six months?* Never Once or Twice Several Times (3 or 4) Many Times (more than 4) Not applicable 11. How many times have you changed your personal plans because there was work that needed to be done?* Never Once or Twice Several Times (3 or 4) Many Times (more than 4) Not applicable 12. Customers generally do not notice who helps them.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 13. I like to set my own pace at work.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 14. I rarely make mistakes that are truly my fault.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 15. In the past, it has been difficult for me to get to work on time.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 16. I tend to get more done at work than most of my coworkers.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 17. customers will continue to shop at the same store out of habit.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 18. It is embarrassing to ask customers for proof of their age.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 19. Stealing, even a penny, is a sound and just reason for an employer to terminate an employee.* Strongly Disagree Disagree In Between Agree Strongly Agree 20. If you have a line of customers, the phone is ringing, a coworker needs your help checking in a delivery, and a customer spills a fountain pop, in what order would you handle these issues?* Spill, phone, coworker, line line, spill, phone, coworker Phone, line, spill, coworker Coworker, phone, spill, line I'd call my manager Name* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Use Your Browser Back Button to Return to Store Menu